Connecting the A1 to the Internet

If the timezone on the nvidia board isn’t set up properly (automatic) errors with network requests can occur.

To solve this problem simply connect the nvidia board to a external monitor and keyboard and set the time zone to automatic in the linux settings menu.

Or set it manually in the commandline with date --set="2 OCT 2006 18:00:00” to your current time.

To download new software packages, the Nvidia Board of the A1 has to be connected in the following way:

Networks other than ZHAW

  1. Connect the nvidia board to the ethernet cable via the ethernet to usb adapter and port 2 (TX2 USB3.0) Check if your ethernet cable has a network connection.

  2. Start the Unitree A1.

  3. Connect Laptop to the Unitree Hotspot.

  4. Connect over ssh in the windows powershell: ssh unitree@ (sometimes the bridge adapter to the Linux VM doesn’t work with the DNS of the LAN).

  5. Enter the password 123.

  6. Check the internet connection with ping If you receive back data, the connection was successful.

  7. Upgrade / install software.


To connect to the ZHAW network, additional changes have to be made:

  1. Connect a monitor and keyboard using the HDMI (TX HDMI) and usb port (TX2 USB2.0).

  2. Connect the nvidia board to the ethernet cable via the ethernet to usb adapter and port 2 (TX2 USB3.0).

  3. Start the robot.

  4. Login using the password 123.

  5. Go to Settings/Network and find the correct wired network. The hardware address 00:13:3B:A3:00:6E has full connection to the ZHAW network without having to log in.

  6. Check if the DNS is equal to

  7. Access the options by pressing the options button.

  8. In the Ethernet tab make sure the Device eth1(00:13:3B:A3:00:6E) is selected.

  9. In the IPv4 Settings tab change the Method to Automatic(DHCP), the DHCP client ID to stud-pfammjur-1 and enable Require IPv4 address for this connection to complete.

  10. Make sure to change these back to Link-Local for the LiDAR sensor.

  11. You should now have access to the internet (if not, try turning WiFi off and on again or unplug the cable for a few seconds).

  12. You can check the internet connection by opening a webpage via the chromium browser.

  13. Upgrade / install software.

Last updated