Working with the ZED2

Warning, for some reason the installation of the libv4l-dev package on the jetson board will break serious stuff.


Detailed information about the ZED2 camera and the ros-wrapper can be found on the Stereolabs website.


Running roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch on the robot should launch all neccesary nodes.


The ZED nodes can be configured with the zed-ros-wrapper/zed_wrapper/launch/ ZED2.launch and the zed-ros-wrapper/zed_wrapper/params/common.yaml file.


  • Serial Number: 28000618

  • should a error with the configuration file occur, dowload a new factory config file at: (note that the config file is custom to the serial number SN) and place it in /usr/local/zed/settings/ on the Jetson NX (unitree@

  • the camera can be reconfigured by running the calibration programm located in /us/local/zed/tools/ZED_Calibration... with the command ./ZED_Calibration...

Installation of Required Packages

Perform these steps on the robots NVIDIA Jetson board.

  1. download ( ZED SDK for L4T 32.4 (Jetpack 4.4)3.8.2 (Jetson Nano, TX2, Xavier AGX/NX, CUDA 10.2))

  2. sudo apt install zstd

  3. cd Downloads

  4. chmod +x

  5. ./

  6. q to close license agreement

  7. y to accept

  8. y to install cuda

Last updated